Performance measurement


By participating in Practice Greenhealth’s Environmental Excellence Awards, partners receive personalized reports that show how their sustainability data compares to other applicants. These reports are useful tools in advancing the work of their sustainability programs.


“Thanks to the data analyzed through the awards platform at Practice Greenhealth, we're in a healthier position to categorically mitigate the various wastes associated with health care operations while improving patient and community health. For example, we came to understand the hospital's water usage, while better than the median, is now a focal point of reduction." 
– Ali Wolf, Asprius project manager

By aggregating data across all applicants, the Environmental Excellence Awards allow health care facilities to compare their sustainability performance to their peers—to see where they are doing well and to identify opportunities for improvement. Partners can take advantage of the following reports that show their performance across many sustainability metrics, with the median and 90th percentile performers highlighted.

The report card offers an overview of how a facility’s performance in 26 metrics across 10 topic areas compares to all applicant data for that year’s data. It also shows the percentage of applicants who submitted data for these metrics.
Report card
A trend report shows the facility’s progress on those sustainability metrics year over year, with the context of the current year’s median and 90th percentile performers overlaid.

Practice Greenhealth offers live and on-demand events that orient you to our sustainability resources.

Watch this video to orient yourself on how to access and read your data from trend reports and report cards.

Unlocking sustainability insights: Get the most from your report card and trend report

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Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.

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