Tools and resources

Health Care GHG Emission Reduction Action Plan Template

  • Climate and Health
Create an action plan to reduce your hospital or health care facility's GHG emissions by identifying and prioritizing possible interventions. Identify interventions by scope, activity, or category and estimate the costs and savings of each intervention in terms of dollars, the return on investment (ROI), or reduction in metric tons of carbon-dioxide-equivalent (MTCO2e), an industry standard…

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How medical directors of sustainability make the case for their positions

  • Leadership
View this recording of a Health Care Without Harm Physician Network meeting to learn how medical directors of sustainability made the case for their positions, along with their strategies to advance climate-smart health care, engage and educate clinicians, and coordinate clinical sustainability efforts.  

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Medical director of environmental sustainability perspectives on climate impact of clinical care

Watch this grand rounds session to hear Dr. Jonathan Slutzman, medical director of environmental sustainability at Massachusetts General Hospital, explore the climate impact of clinical care and why clinician leadership and research are critical in reducing health care emissions.  

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Medical and clinical director of sustainability insights

  During a Health Care Climate Council meeting, Dr. Amy Collins, Health Care Without Harm medical director, led a discussion with Council members about the medical and clinical director of sustainability positions. View the recording to get insights about the role from a few medical directors and hear from sustainability directors on why they feel these clinical leaders are an essential addition…

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How to take climate action through plant-forward menus (webinar recording)

Plant-forward menus reduce greenhouse gas Scope 3 emissions while maintaining customer and patient satisfaction. Practice Greenhealth partners will share how small changes to their menus have resulted in significant reductions in emissions. Also, learn how plant-forward menus are more inclusive, increase choices for eaters, and realize cost and health benefits. We will share additional details…

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How health systems plan for resilience

Practice Greenhealth and Health Care Without Harm guided hundreds of hospitals and health systems across the United States to write climate resilience plans in alignment with the HHS Health Sector Climate Pledge. This recording will provide a brief overview of the HHS Pledge and summarize key lessons to help you through each stage of a resilience planning process. Planners from Beth Israel…

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Latest sustainability data

  • Benchmark Report
Each year, Practice Greenhealth collects and reviews comprehensive sustainability data from hospitals that report through the Environmental Excellence Awards. We provide the sector’s best sustainability performance benchmarking data to hospitals and health systems working to integrate sustainability into their mission, and to the health care supply chain partners that are integral to this work.…

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Sustainable glove guidance for manufacturers

This document provides guidance for manufacturers wishing to meet Health Care Without Harm’s examination and surgical glove criteria. The criteria apply to examination and surgical gloves used within healthcare. The criteria do not apply to gloves used for other purposes. 

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Climate Excellence Standard for Health Sector Suppliers

The Climate Excellence Standard defines superior performance in decarbonization on the part of individual suppliers – including manufacturers and distributors – to ensure the health care supply chain is aligned with achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, while improving resilience. Reducing the health care sector’s reliance on fossil fuels is critical for reducing deaths and diseases related to…

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How-to guidance for conducting a complete GHG inventory

Practice Greenhealth offers live and on-demand workshops that will walk you through how to perform a complete greenhouse gas inventory for your health care facility or health system. Each session provides guidance on how to perform a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory using the Health Care Emissions Impact Calculator, Practice Greenhealth's accounting tool specifically designed to help health care…

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Join Practice Greenhealth

Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.

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