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Displaying results 121 - 130 of 137
For the third year in a row, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) received Practice Greenhealth’s Greening the OR Leadership Award for their industry-leading, comprehensive program, which reduces the environmental impact of MSK’s surgical suites.
MSK’s continued leadership and success would not be possible without prioritizing stakeholder engagement from every department – evidenced by their more than 400 staff volunteering as GreenReps, dedicated task forces across various departments, and broad representation on their Greening the OR Committee from anesthesiology, environmental… Read More
Type: Press
One man’s justification for sustainable procurement
Kunle Modupe, Hackensack Meridian Health’s vice president for hospitality services, hasn’t spent a lifetime in health care. In fact, it was during his 22-year career in the luxury hotel business that environmental sustainability first caught his attention… with toilet paper rolls. As a hotel housekeeping director, Modupe was baffled why hotels had a policy of discarding barely-used toilet paper rolls after each guest checked out of their room. This waste, along with overwhelming linen use, spurred him to be among the first to implement… Read More
Type: Press
Seeking ways to reduce waste during a pandemic may feel like an impossible or unimportant task, but it is more important than ever. Greenhouse gas emissions from waste represent 1-5% percent of U.S. emissions, and hospitals produce an average of 30 pounds of waste per patient per day. Most hospitals are experiencing an increase in waste during the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily due to the increased use of disposable PPE. During times of crisis, health systems are under intense pressure to serve the community while remaining financially viable. Waste reduction offers hospitals an opportunity to… Read More
Type: Press
UW Health quietly pushed forward since its 2017’s big achievement in LEED Gold for the American Center, a first for Wisconsin and one of 17 in the United States. Commitments to continue conservation have increased with formal targets in water intensity reduction by 5% across the portfolio of buildings, having seven buildings that meet or exceed the EnergyStar score of 75, all while completing direct and indirect (scope I and scope II) emissions inventory that account for fleet vehicles, anesthetic gas, energy utility purchases, and more.
“Our highly engaged staff is key to our success,”… Read More
Type: Press
Blog by Blair Sadler, Esq., Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Now is the time to make environmental sustainability part of your quality improvement work.
Years ago when I was a hospital CEO, I didn't have sustainability on my radar screen. I wasn't aware of the significant impact that the health care sector has on the environment – and on quality care. I didn't consider the amount of waste, energy and water that hospitals used – that chemicals of concern are found in medical products and furniture – that the food system is one of the biggest contributors to global… Read More
Type: Press
The Climate and Health Innovation Award recognizes a hospital or health system for innovative work that addresses the health and equity impacts of climate change. Health Care Without Harm’s Health Care Climate Council reviews award applications, looking for creative approaches to move the health sector forward in ways that have not been widely deployed. This year's 2022 awardee is Jesse Brown VA Medical Center (VAMC), in acknowledgement of their groundbreaking technology to capture waste anesthetic gas for recycling and reuse.
"The Health Care Climate Council is pleased to recognize Jesse… Read More
Type: Press
Michael Matos
Michael Matos, green initiative liaison for Montefiore Health System, has 15 years of experience in healthcare and six years in waste management. He’s been responsible for creating, implementing, managing, and tracking a variety of programs and initiatives throughout the New York City health system. Matos successfully implemented several projects that resulted in significant cost savings, waste reduction, process improvement, and optimization of staff time.
Tell us about your work at Montefiore.
Matos: I’m involved with all things sustainability, but… Read More
Type: Press
Christopher Bodkin, Data Coordinator Sector Performance and Recognition
Waste from the health care sector is significant:
255 Million lbs. of blue wrap is thrown away annually.
Businesses are turning blue wrap into products for hospitals.
Hospitals are creating blue wrap recycling programs.
Health care waste generation can be turned around to develop products promote environmental and economic health.
Historically, business success has been measured by making money, by boundless growth through linear consumption of resources and exploitation of environmental capital. Times are… Read More
Type: Press
By Gary Cohen, Practice Greenhealth and Health Care Without Harm president
2017 has been a year of uncertainty. We saw some of the largest demonstrations in modern history, including the Women’s March, the People’s Climate March, and the March for Science. At the same time, it felt like the planet held its own demonstration.
In just over six weeks, the United States and surrounding areas were hit by four major hurricanes. The estimated costs for hurricanes Harvey and Irma combined are between $150-200 billion. Puerto Rico still has half of the island without power. On the other side of the… Read More
Type: Press
Food Day is an annual event on Oct. 24 that inspires Americans to change not only their diets but also our food system. But for hospitals in our network, it’s Food Day every day. Food service directors, chefs, nutritionists, and other hospital leaders who are taking action to source local and sustainable ingredients, serve more plant-centered meals, and reduce food waste are working to build and support strong local food systems and economies, increase the health and well-being of those they serve, and reduce their impact on the planet.
Here are stories of what they’ve accomplished over the… Read More
Type: Press
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Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.