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By Gary Cohen, Practice Greenhealth and Health Care Without Harm president
2017 has been a year of uncertainty. We saw some of the largest demonstrations in modern history, including the Women’s March, the People’s Climate March, and the March for Science. At the same time, it felt like the planet held its own demonstration.
In just over six weeks, the United States and surrounding areas were hit by four major hurricanes. The estimated costs for hurricanes Harvey and Irma combined are between $150-200 billion. Puerto Rico still has half of the island without power. On the other side of the… Read More
Type: Press
Food Day is an annual event on Oct. 24 that inspires Americans to change not only their diets but also our food system. But for hospitals in our network, it’s Food Day every day. Food service directors, chefs, nutritionists, and other hospital leaders who are taking action to source local and sustainable ingredients, serve more plant-centered meals, and reduce food waste are working to build and support strong local food systems and economies, increase the health and well-being of those they serve, and reduce their impact on the planet.
Here are stories of what they’ve accomplished over the… Read More
Type: Press
A typical OR can make up half of a hospital’s aggregate costs, produce 33% of a facility’s waste, consume more energy per square foot than any other area of the hospital. Our Greening the OR experts host sessions to uncover new or best practice strategies in cost savings and efficiency improvement practices. Solutions discussed focus on not only maintaining quality patient care but also supporting staff and environmental health.
Target audience: sustainability leads, ambulatory services, operating room, physicians, and other personnel working on initiatives to make the operating room more… Read More
Type: Basic page
10.07.15 by Beth Burmahl, Suzanna Hoppszallern Senior Editor, Jamie Morgan
Hospitals make fruitful progress toward sustainability as some take great strides and others stick to baby steps
When it comes to environmental sustainability, hospitals across the United States are making considerable strides in lopping off what industry experts call the low-hanging fruit — the less costly and labor-intensive measures that often show significant energy and cash savings.
But reaching the fruit nestled higher up in the tree — purchasing bigger-ticket items, securing adequate staffing and… Read More
Type: Press
Greenhealth pushes sustainable products, services to the forefront of contract availability
by Rick Dana Barlow
When it comes to progressing toward and implementing environmentally responsible contracting and purchasing of sustainable products and services, a small percentage of forward-thinking "green"-minded healthcare organizations have been making some waves.
Through their individual philosophies and projects, they have been carrying the flag for sustainability in healthcare, which they promote as fitting hand-in-… Read More
Type: Press
Reducing energy waste and procuring renewable energy are some of the most effective steps that our member hospitals are taking to reduce their environmental impact and protect community health. There are many reasons energy should be an area of focus:
Inpatient health care is ranked by EPA as the second-largest commercial energy user in the United States.
Health care facilities consume close to 10% of the total energy used in U.S. commercial buildings and spend more than $8 billion on energy every year.
The health care sector is responsible for 8.5% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
The… Read More
Type: Basic page
The Circle of Excellence Awards celebrate hospitals who have not only earned an award for all-around sustainability achievement, but who have also been identified as the top scoring programs for each category of sustainability.
It all starts with leadership. The Leadership Circle represents the high-performing hospitals that have a strong infrastructure supporting a long term commitment to healthier environments through leadersship vision, committee structure, reporting, data tracking, communication and education.
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
Cleveland Clinic… Read More
Type: Resources
Baltimore – Oct. 13, 2015. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) has been awarded LEED Gold certification for its Shock Trauma Critical Care Tower, a 140,000-square-foot patient care building that was completed in late 2013. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification is an internationally recognized measurement of a building’s adherence to sustainable, or “green,” principles.
UMMC is the first hospital in Baltimore City to achieve LEED Gold certification for an inpatient building. The Gold level is the second-highest of four levels of certification:… Read More
Type: Press
By Lauren Koch, Health Care Without Harm climate and health program associate director
I am on the edge of the millennial generation. And, it turns out, my career path mirrors the research on my generation.
After earning a business degree, I ventured into the corporate jungle and quickly realized it wasn’t for me. Driven by my passion, I focused my job search on organizations with ethics that matched mine.
Research shows millennials are inspired by the opportunity to make a difference. Feeling like you’re working for a place that leaves the world in better shape is addictive.
And for many… Read More
Type: Press
This living wall covers an impressive amount of space giving occupants a moment and area of respite.
By Iqbal Mian, Practice Greenhealth member engagement manager
Being in driving proximity to the Mayo Clinic’s Rochester campus gave me the perfect opportunity to intimately understand the organization’s sustainability efforts during a planned onsite visit at the end of June.
Amanda Holloway, Office of Sustainability director, and Ashlyn White, sustainability fellow, gave a stage to present to a diverse audience of nurses, physicians, and departmental staff on the environmental… Read More
Type: Press
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Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.