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2024 sustainability benchmark data
- Benchmark Report

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Sustainability Organizational Structure
Sustainability governance structures are put in place to ensure progress on sustainability initiatives. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s governance structure includes a high-level steering committee, and a range of topical working groups and task forces. They also have a network of local leaders who implement and integrate sustainability into departments on the ground.
Mayo Clinic Local Sustainability Subcommittee Charter
Charters define logistics, roles, responsibilities, priorities, and interdependencies of a sustainability program’s structure. Mayo Clinic’s Florida sustainability subcommittee charter begins with a purpose statement, outlining the reporting structure to the system level sustainability committee and highlighting the working relationship between governance structures at multiple levels.
Trinity Health Ann Arbor and Livingston Sustainability Commitment Statement
Sustainability commitment statements articulate how an organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities align with sustainability work, and underscore the importance to patients and communities. Trinity Health Ann Arbor’s statement references their values of justice and stewardship, outlining how carbon footprint reduction and enhanced sustainable operations has helped them become…
HealthPartners Sustainability Commitment Statement
- Exemplary Document

Rush University Medical Center Utilities Working Group Charge and Structure
Charters are usually created for discrete governance structures, such as the charter for Rush University’s green team utilities working group, a topical work group focused on energy. The charter outlines the group’s purpose and charge, which includes provision of regular progress updates to the organization’s high-level sustainability steering committee. Additional sections outline logistics,…
Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization
A navigational tool for achieving zero emissions with climate resilience and health equity This is the second in a series of research and policy papers that Health Care Without Harm and Arup have produced together to identify a set of actions the health sector can take to align itself with the ambition of the Paris Agreement while simultaneously achieving global health goals. Green Paper One…
Medical products: Guidance to achieve PVC/DEHP elimination for manufacturers
This document provides guidance for manufacturers wishing to meet Health Care Without Harm’s safer medical products and devices criteria. Medical products must not contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP). For many years, Health Care Without Harm has prioritized the elimination of PVC and DEHP in medical products because of their toxicity and to increase the safety and…
Health Care GHG Emission Reduction Action Plan Template
- Climate and Health

How medical directors of sustainability make the case for their positions
- Leadership

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Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.