Health Care Emissions Impact Calculator


The Health Care Emissions Impact Calculator is an accounting tool specifically designed to help health care organizations measure their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The calculator can be used to develop a GHG inventory at the facility and/or system level for all Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

The calculator helps U.S. health care organizations take a critical step on the path to emissions measurement, reporting, and reduction efforts. It is the first free, publicly available tool of its kind for health care organizations. The calculator was developed following the GHG Protocol, the world’s most widely used GHG accounting standard.

Health care organizations can use the calculator to:

  • Develop a baseline GHG emissions inventory
  • Track increases and decreases in GHG emissions over time
  • Identify major sources of GHG emissions at either the facility or system level
  • Create an action plan to reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions
  • Prioritize potential interventions to reduce GHG emissions
  • Understand the climate footprint of the organization’s supply chain
  • Measure GHG emissions as part of climate pledges like the HHS Health Sector Climate Pledge or Race to Zero

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Calculating emissions: Part of a cyclical framework for decarbonization

Measure-Set-Act graphic

Whether you're just embarking on the path toward climate-smart health care or you're already on your way, measuring emissions is a critical phase in an iterative process. A comprehensive emissions inventory enables you to assess your climate and health impact, identify and prioritize opportunities for mitigation, and take informed action.

  • Measure: Inventory GHG emissions and assess the climate risks facing your facility and community
  • Set: Establish ambitious goals and priorities and an internal accountability structure for reducing emissions and building resilience
  • Act: Take direct action and a leadership role in addressing climate change and improving health equity

Use our Health Care GHG Emission Reduction Action Plan Template to identify opportunities and prioritize interventions.


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Your experience is important to us, and we would like to learn about any issues you’ve encountered, questions you have, or general feedback on the calculator. Your input will help us improve the resource and maximize its value for all those seeking to measure emissions.

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Developing a GHG inventory and using the Health Care Emissions Impact Calculator FAQs.

Practice Greenhealth provides on-demand workshops to guide you through conducting a comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for your health care facility or system. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to support you on this journey. You can also consult with your strategy manager for further assistance. 

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Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.

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