After listening to our network partners, we've enhanced the way we guide partners to integrate sustainability as a strategic priority while expanding peer learning, networking, and access to industry experts. Investing in the Practice Greenhealth network and the broader health care sustainability movement positions hospital and health system partners as change agents in creating healthier, sustainable, and more resilient communities.
This new approach will:

Strengthen health care sustainability fundamentals

Accelerate adoption and performance

Transform your organization
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
– African proverb
What you can expect
While our team of strategy managers continues to develop a relationship with you, listening and learning about your current priorities or needs, they will work with you to complete our program fundamentals assessment. This introductory survey measures key conditions (indicators) and understanding of sustainability tenets to get us started.
Next, our sustainability strategy managers will guide an investigation of your hospital or health system's primary motivators and drivers for sustainability and identify strategies to achieve results. Our insights-driven recommendations should ensure a strong sustainability management system and governance structure for clear responsibility and accountability are in place.
Additionally, partners can take advantage of new networking and experiential learning opportunities with peer groups to facilitate professional development and growth and provide a forum for problem-solving and solutions.
Frequently asked questions
Please consult these questions below or reach out to your strategy manager for additional guidance.
Why am I a partner and not a member? What is the difference?
Associations are made up of members. But, we are changing to partner because a partner is “an entity that has a shared stake in our collective work.” Our work takes commitment, communication, collaboration, and investment from both sides. This is not strictly a financial investment, but an investment of time, energy, and resources. We feel the term partner truly defines our relationship. We are committed to impacting change. As your partner, we will work together to further our work to protect public health from climate change, transform the supply chain, and build leadership for environmental health.
How does this impact my renewal?
Partner renewals will continue to occur upon your anniversary date with Practice Greenhealth and will be effective for one year (i.e. 4/1/2022-3/31/2023). Practice Greenhealth pricing has not and will not increase as a result of the new partner experience.
What is going to be expected of me and my organization?
No action is required on your part. We’re excited to enhance the way we work with you and hope it will drive results and progress toward our shared goal to transform health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental footprint and becomes an anchor for sustainability.
Can additional staff or employees from my organization access Practice Greenhealth resources or professional groups?
Yes. Practice Greenhealth encourages its partners to create a staffing and reporting structure (also known as a green team) that creates knowledge of and buy-in to the organization’s sustainability mission. Please let your sustainability strategy manager know who you would like to add to your partnership, and we will ensure they have access to the website and its resources.
Who can I talk with further to learn more about the experience?
Your sustainability strategy manager can assist you with any questions surrounding the new partner experience.
How does changing the partner experience lead to a greater impact for Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth’s vision of health care sustainability for improved climate, health, and equity?
We’ve seen tremendous momentum in the local, national, and global political landscape to help us build a more sustainable, equitable future. We are continuing to monitor where the health care sustainability industry is headed while navigating where it should go. We’ve reached a pivotal moment where the health care sector is embracing the need to transform health care delivery beyond hospital walls to improve sustainability and environmental health. Our network has more hospitals than ever before, and our partners' questions and engagement are at an all-time high. Action is paramount as we face increasing threats to health, health equity, and community resilience from the pandemic and the climate crisis. Partners are looking to move beyond projects, focusing on the need to make lasting changes to how they do business and deliver care. The new partner experience will layer in opportunities for peer-to-peer engagement, knowledge sharing, and strategic guidance to help us reach this vision.