Recommended climate resilience plan outline

Climate resilience planning


Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth have integrated their own climate resilience planning guidance with plan elements suggested by the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) to create this recommended climate resilience plan outline for health care organizations. This plan will be updated periodically, in response to advancements in this work and learnings shared by those engaged in implementing climate resilience plans within their communities.

  1. Introduction (identified need, target population, and objectives)
  2. General methodology
    1. Internal participants (Element 5)
    2. External participants (Elements 2 and 4)
    3. Basic process (building knowledge, gathering data, drafting, exchanging plans, finalization)
    4. Timeline
  3. Executive summary
  4. Plan domains
    1. Domain 1: Facility resilience (Element 3)
      1. Prospective risk assessment (Element 1)
        1. Process
          1. How did the system perform the assessment?
          2. Who was involved?
          3. Which tools were used?
        2. Results of assessment
      2. Plan (can draw from the system’s Emergency Operations Plan)
      3. Metrics/evaluation (Element 5)
      4. Iterations: What tools/resources will be used to keep this portion of the plan "living" given changing prospective risk data? (Element 5)
    2. Domain 2: Community health resilience (Element 2)
      1. Prospective risk assessment (Element 1)
        1. Process
          1. How did the system perform the assessment?
          2. Who was involved?
          3. Which tools were used?
        2. Results of assessment
      2. Plan
      3. Metrics/evaluation (Element 5)
      4. Iterations: What tools/resources will be used to keep this portion of the plan "living" given changing prospective risk data? (Element 5)
    3. Domain 3: Public infrastructure resilience (Elements 3 and 4)
      1. Prospective risk assessment (Element 1)
        1. Process
          1. How did the system perform the assessment?
          2. Who was involved?
          3. Which tools were used?
        2. Results of assessment
      2. Plan
      3. Metrics/evaluation (Element 5)
      4. Iterations: What tools/resources will be used to keep this portion of the plan "living" given changing prospective risk data? (Element 5)
  5. Review of plans for iteration over time (Element 5)
    1. Plan for including comprehensive review of evolving concerns and conditions, new data, and incorporation of latest climate models

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