Tools and resources
Featured Tools & Resources
Greening the OR ebutton/banner
- Climate and Health
- Greening the Operating Room
- Tool
Greening the OR endorser logo
- Climate and Health
- Greening the Operating Room
- Tool
Greening the OR: template press release
- Climate and Health
- Greening the Operating Room
- Communications
Webinar: Clinical engagement and emerging best practices in the OR
- Greening the Operating Room
- Anesthetic Gas
- Waste Segregation
- Clinician engagement
- Webinar
Webinar: Greening the OR energy efficiency with HVAC setbacks
- Greening the Operating Room
- Webinar
Greening the OR: Savings, trends, opportunities
- Greening the Operating Room
- Webinar
Complete set of Greening the OR guidance documents
- Greening the Operating Room
Greening the OR backgrounder
- Greening the Operating Room
- Get Started Guide
Greening the OR checklist
- Greening the Operating Room
- Waste
- Tool
Greening the OR endorser certificate
- Greening the Operating Room
- Tool
Join Practice Greenhealth
Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.