(Delivering community benefit: Climate and health toolkit) This resource includes sample climate change text and sample community resilience text for community health needs assessments.
Sample climate change text for community health needs assessments
Climate change and the resulting increases in temperature, air pollution, extreme weather events, and rising seas will have profound impacts on the health of our population, particularly the most vulnerable (seniors, children, and lower income). These changes in our environment will likely exacerbate some of our current health priorities, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular risks, asthma, respiratory risks, mental health concerns, and violence. Our community benefit investments are an opportunity to address health priorities using strategies that also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating the health risks of a changing climate. [System name] will explore such opportunities as we develop our implementation strategies.
Sample community resilience text for community health needs assessments
Increases in temperature, air pollution, extreme weather events, and rising seas are having profound impacts on the health of our population, particularly the most vulnerable (seniors, children, and lower income). Accelerating changes in our environment will exacerbate some of our current health priorities, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular risks, asthma, respiratory risks, mental health concerns, and violence. Our community benefit activities are an opportunity to address health priorities using strategies that also reduce air pollution, mitigating related health risks. [System name] will explore such opportunities as we develop our implementation strategies.