While it is essential that hospitals maintain a clean environment free of pests, it is also important that patients, staff, and visitors be protected from exposure to pesticides. Pesticides are known to contribute to cancer, neurological disorders, problems with reproduction, birth defects, and liver and kidney damage. They also can cause irritation to the eyes and skin, can trigger respiratory problems such as asthma, produce headaches, nausea, and can affect learning disabilities in children.
Hospital patients who have compromised immune and nervous systems, the elderly, infants and children, and those who have an allergy or sensitivity to pesticides are particularly vulnerable to their toxic effects. Patients taking certain medications may also have heightened reactions to pesticides. Thus, the expected outcome of this solicitation is a pest controlled environment that does not adversely affect patient health. This sample contract from the Maryland Pesticide Network will provide guidance on comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM) programs.