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Procuring renewable energy is a highly impactful step your institution can take to reduce its carbon footprint and negative health impacts.
The Coolfood Pledge team provides members with guidance on developing a plan for serving more climate-friendly food while meeting other dining-related targets.
This brochure for the health care audience shows how facilities can use the Coolfood Pledge to provide diners more of what they want while reducing their GHG emissions.
New report provides first-ever estimate of health care’s global climate footprint, calls for zero emissions.
Published: 09/11/2019 - 11:55
New report provides first-ever estimate of health care’s global climate footprint, calls for zero emissions.
Published: 08/28/2019 - 10:20
Health care institutions in the United States are partnering with community forestry programs to boost urban tree cover.
We hope you will use the free materials to educate your patient population about how climate change is affecting their health and how they can take action to protect themselves and their families.
Published: 07/18/2019 - 09:55
University of California San Francisco Medical Center introduced plant-forward menu concepts. Customers loved it and sales soared. These meals just happen to also be good for the planet.
(Transportation toolkit)  This toolkit is designed to help hospitals and health systems reduce their transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions.
(Delivering community benefit: Climate and health toolkit) Addressing social and environmental determinants of health to create resilient communities

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