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HealthPartners celebrated Earth Day in lots of different ways in 2017 – from electronics recycling to shred events to bee-friendly plants, there was something for everyone to participate in! Events took place throughout the whole week leading up to Earth Day and all across the Twin Cities Metro area and into Western Wisconsin.
In partnership with a local non-profit organization, TechDump, the health system hosted electronic recycling events for the third year in a row.
In honor of Earth Day, and the end of tax season, HealthPartners encouraged employees to bring in their… Read More
Type: Resources
Hospitals across California are required to be in compliance with the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery organic waste reduction mandates.
California has implemented several regulations to increase the diversion of organic materials away from landfills and toward the production of value-added products like compost, fertilizers, and biofuels.
California disposes approximately 30 million tons of waste in landfills each year, and more than 30% of the state’s waste could be used for compost or mulch. Organic waste (including green and food materials) is recyclable through… Read More
Type: Resources
"Adding novelty to an item can entice an individual to try something that they may not otherwise try." - Michael Atanasio, Overlook Medical Center
Overlook Medical Center in New Jersey is a signatory of the Cool Food Pledge, a new platform to help hospitals offer diners more of what they want while slashing food-related greenhouse gas emissions.
Overlook is one of 64 signatories from health care.
Here are some thoughts from Michael Atanasio, Overlook's director of food and nutrition:
Why have you focused on plant-forward eating in your facility?
Plant-centered diets can offer… Read More
Type: Resources
“I just wanted to send some quick feedback about the menu. The new lentils dish along with the tofu today were both fantastic! I also especially like when you have legume-based salads as part of the salad bar. In any case, thank you so much for continually expanding the healthy vegetarian options!” - Medical resident at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire is a signatory of the Cool Food Pledge, a new platform to help hospitals offer diners more of what they want while slashing food-related greenhouse gas emissions.
Dartmouth-… Read More
Type: Resources
The Practice Greenhealth Environmental Excellence Awards is more than an awards program – it’s an opportunity to capture data on environmental quality improvement progress within hospitals and health systems.
Data is power. It has the power to demonstrate a return on investment. It has the power to implement positive change. When submitted through Practice Greenhealth’s Environmental Excellence Awards, it can result in a custom report, helping hospitals see how they compare to their peers and nationally on numerous environmental attributes. This helps identify areas of success and helps to… Read More
Type: Resources
The Circle of Excellence Awards celebrate hospitals who have not only earned an award for all-around sustainability achievement, but who have also been identified as the top scoring programs for each category of sustainability.
It all starts with leadership. The Leadership Circle represents the high-performing hospitals that have a strong infrastructure supporting a long term commitment to healthier environments through leadersship vision, committee structure, reporting, data tracking, communication and education.
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
Cleveland Clinic… Read More
Type: Resources
Practice Greenhealth’s Healthy Interiors goal promotes public and environmental health and helps accelerate the transformation of the furnishings market to safer products.
What is Practice Greenhealth’s Healthy Interiors goal?
Ensure that 30% of the annual volume of furnishings and furniture purchases (based on cost) eliminate the use of formaldehyde, perfluorinated compounds, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), antimicrobials*, and all flame retardants**.
When chemical flame retardants are necessary to meet code requirements, use chemicals that meet GreenScreen Benchmark 3 or 4 or… Read More
Type: Resources
Hospitals and health systems around the world are investing in clean, renewable energy to protect the health of their patients and communities, attract and retain top-tier talent, increase the resilience of their operations to disasters, and reduce energy costs and price volatility. Combining renewable energy with electricity storage can help hospitals remain operational during extreme weather or other disruptions to the electric grid.
According to the EPA, renewable energy includes resources that rely on fuel sources that restore themselves over short periods of time and do not diminish.… Read More
Type: Resources
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Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.