Scope 3 GHG Emissions Accounting Tool released

To further assist our partner health systems and hospitals calculate their value chain emissions impact and identify where to focus reduction activities, we are pleased to release the Scope 3 GHG Emissions Accounting Tool.

Published: February 15, 2022
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Scope 3 GHG accounting tool image

To further assist our partner health systems and hospitals calculate their value chain emissions impact and identify where to focus reduction activities, we are pleased to release the Scope 3 GHG Emissions Accounting Tool.

This tool provides a spend-based methodology for health systems and hospitals to calculate their Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all 15 GHG Protocol categories. The accompanying How-to Guide provides a step-by-step process for accounting for a health care organization’s Scope 3 GHG emissions.

It is critical for health care facilities to understand their Scope 3 emissions because these emissions make up 82% of the health sector footprint in the US.

Key benefits of completing a Scope 3 inventory include:

  • identifying and managing risks in an organization’s value chain
  • the ability to set credible and comprehensive decarbonization goals across all scopes of emissions
  • helping multiply climate impact by decarbonizing across an organization’s value chain, from suppliers and distributors to patients and staff

View this emissions reduction resource

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