Changes to Environmental Excellence Awards

2020 has been a year of immense turmoil, placing unprecedented pressure on our health care providers. To support our members, Practice Greenhealth revised our Environmental Excellence Awards process.
For the 2021 awards season, we are suspending the tiered awards structure, including Top 25 and Circles of Excellence, in favor of a single, broad recognition category. We look forward to celebrating hospitals that have continued their sustainability work in the face of incredible challenges while capturing your facilities’ unique stories of resiliency and innovation that have emerged during this crisis.
What’s staying the same
- Practice Greenhealth will offer the standard Partner for Change application, including new content changes for 2021.
- Practice Greenhealth will provide benchmark report cards, trend reports, and system reports for this awards cycle.
- There will be an opportunity for system-level recognition and Making Medicine Mercury-Free recognition.
- Facilities that choose to submit the full Partner for Change application will have the opportunity for a detailed gap analysis.
What’s new
- Practice Greenhealth will offer a streamlined application option focused primarily on metrics and successes.
- Regardless of which application is submitted (standard or streamlined), facilities will be compared and scored only on the content within the streamlined application.
- Transportation will have its own category.
- Some metrics scoring may be revised as a result of data abnormalities in this unusual year.
- There will be no Partner Recognition or Greening the OR Recognition applications available this year.
Applications will be available, along with details and training on the revised approach, in November.
Join Practice Greenhealth
Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.