2025 Environmental Excellence Awards: Applications now open
Earn recognition for your sustainability program
Validate your hard work and share your successes with the Practice Greenhealth network by participating in the Environmental Excellence Awards program.
The data collected helps facilities like yours generate deeper insights to guide their sustainability initiatives and set goals for future programming.
As a partner facility, you can use the awards application and personalized reports to:
- Develop your sustainability baseline.
- Benchmark and compare performance to peers.
- Identify areas of opportunity.
- Engage coworkers in action.
- Earn recognition for your sustainability program.
What’s new for 2025
We’ve made some important updates for the 2025 awards cycle to better address the threat of climate change, with a specific focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Watch the “What’s new in 2025” recording for a walk-through of the changes.
Get started
Access your awards dashboard to begin your application today. You must be a current Practice Greenhealth partner to apply.
The awards submission deadline is Wednesday, April 9, 2025.
First-time applicants
Watch the “Introduction to the Environmental Excellence Awards” recording to orient yourself with the application process.
Master your awards application
Join one of our informational sessions to ask questions and gain new strategies for choosing which pages to submit in the Partner for Change application.
Questions? Contact awards@practicegreenhealth.org.
Join Practice Greenhealth
Practice Greenhealth is the health care sector’s go-to source for information, tools, data, resources, and expert technical support on sustainability initiatives that help hospitals and health systems meet their health, financial, and community goals.