2019 Climate and Health Innovation Award NYU Langone Health


NYU Langone Health

The Climate and Health Innovation Award recognizes a Practice Greenhealth member hospital or health system for innovative work that addresses the health impacts of climate change.

The 2019 Climate and Health Innovation Award is given to NYU Langone Health for their efforts to validate and benchmark their climate resilience work and to contribute to an industry standard. 

“NYU Langone Health is honored to be recognized for our extensive efforts to make our campuses and operations more resilient and energy efficient, especially in the face of an uncertain climate future,” said Paul Schwabacher, facilities management senior vice president.

“Our experience during Superstorm Sandy and its aftermath prompted us to reimagine resilient and sustainable design and to continue to engage with our city and community on reaching aggressive carbon reduction goals. We are proud to be setting the standard in these areas and are committed to working with our peer institutions, so that together we can elevate the practices of the overall health care industry.”

NYU Langone’s work on resilience was featured in Health Care Without Harm’s report, Safe haven in the storm: Protecting lives and saving margins with climate-smart health care.

The award is presented at CleanMed, the premier conference for leaders in health care sustainability.

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